Degree – English Grammar (ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ)

Degree – English Grammar (ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ)

Table of Contents

What is Degree?

Positive to Superlative Degree

No other যুক্ত Positive degree কে superlative degree তে রূপান্তর করার নিয়ম:


(a) প্রথমে sentence টির subject বসে।

(2) তারপর verb বসে।

(c) the বসে।

(d) Adjective/Adverb টির positive degree এর superlative form বসে।

(e) No other-এর পর থেকে verb- এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত Extension হিসাবে বসবে।

Structure: Subject + verb (be) + the + positive degree – এর superlative form+ Extension (no other-এর পর থেকে verb এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত)


Positive: No other boy in the class is as good as he.

Superlative: He is the best boy in the class.

Positive: No other way is so easy as it.

Superlative: It is the easiest way.

Positive: No other boy in the class is so tall as he.

Superlative: He is the tallest boy in the class.

Positive: No other metal is useful as Iron.

Superlative: Iron is the most useful metal.

Very few যুক্ত positive degree কে superlative degree তে রূপান্তর করার নিয়ম :


(a) শুরুতে প্রদত্ত sentence-টির subject বসবে।

(b) Verb বসবে।

(c)  One of the বসবে।

(d)  প্রদত্ত sentence টির adjective/ Adverb- টির positive degree- এর superlative form বসবে।

(e) Extension রূপে very few এর পর থেকে verb-এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত বসবে।

Structure: Subject + verb + one of the + positive degree এর superlative form + very few  এর পর থেকে verb এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত বসবে।


Positive: Very few students in the school are as clever as Mahin.

Superlative: Mahin is one of the cleverest students in the school.

Positive: Very few King of India were as great as Akbar.

Superlative: Akbar was one of the greatest Kings of India.

Positive: Very few poets were so great as Rabindranath Tagore.

Superlative: Rabindranath Tagore was one of the greatest poets.

Positive: Very few boys in the school is so fat as Mehedi.

Superlative: Mehedi is one of the fattest boy in the school.

Positive to Comparative Degree


Rule 1. দুই  ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর মধ্যে তুলনা বোঝাতে positive degree তে as………. as যুক্ত থাকলে positive  degree থেকে comparative degree তে রূপান্তরের নিয়ম :

(a) Sentence-টির শেষের subject টি শুরুতে বসে।

(b) Verb বসে।

(c) Sentence টি হ্যাঁ বোধক (Affirmative) হলে not বসে। sentence টি না বোধক (Negative) হলে not উঠে যাবে।

(d) Adjective/ Adverb টির positive degree এর comparative form বসে।

(e) তারপর than বসে।

 (f) Sentence টি প্রথমে subjectটি বসে।

Structure: Sentence -টির শেষের subject + verb+ (Affirmative হলে not) Negative হলে not বাদ ) + positive degree এর comparative রূপ + than + sentence টির প্রথম subject.


Positive: The boy is as meritorious as his elder brother.

Comp: His brother is not more meritorious than the boy.

Positive: Your book is not as fine as this.

Comp: This is finer than your book.

Rule 2: No other যুক্ত Positive degree কে comparative degree তে রূপান্তর করার নিয়ম:

 (a) Sentence টির শেষ অংশে বিদ্যমান subject টি বসে।

(b) Verb বসে।

(c) Adjective/ Adverb টির Positive degree এর comparative form বসে।

(d) Than any other/ than all other বসে।

(e) No other ব্যৰ্তীত No other এর পর থেকে verb এর পূর্বে পর্যন্ত বসে।

Sturucture: Sentence টির শেষের Subject + Verb + Positive degree- এর Comparative form + than any other/ than all other No other ব্যৰ্তীত No other এর পর থেকে verb এর পূর্বে পর্যন্ত বসে।


Positive: No other housewife was as good as Della.

Comp: Della was better than any other housewife.

Positive: No other flower is as beautiful as rose.

Comp: Rose is more beautiful than all other flowers.

Rule- 3: Very few যুক্ত Positive Degree-তে রূপান্তরের নিয়ম :

  • Sentence-টির শেষ অংশে বিদ্যমান subject টি শুরুতে বসে ।

(b) তারপর verb বসে।

(c) Adjective/ Adverb টির Positive degree এর comparative form বসে।

(d) Than most other/ than few other/ than many other বসে।

(e) Very few ব্যতীত very few এর পর থেকে verb-এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত বসে।

Structure: Subject + verb + positive degree- এর comparative form + than most other/ than few other/ than many other + very few এর পর থেকে verb-এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত বসে।


Positive: Very few poets were so great as Nazrul.

Comp: Nazrul was greater than most other poets.

Positive: Very few animals are so useful as the cow.

Comp: The cow is more useful than most other animals.

Positive: Very few sea-ports in Bangladesh are so big as Chittagong.

Comp: Chittagong is bigger than most other sea-ports in Bangladesh.


Rule -1: Than any other/ than other যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Superlative degree তে   রূপান্তর করার নিয়ম:

  • শুরুতে sentence টির subject বসবে।

  • Verb বসবে।

  • The বসবে।

  • Comparative degree- এর Superlative form বসবে।

  • Than any other / than all other এর পরের অংশ বসবে।

Structure: Subject + verb + the + comparative degree 4 Superlative form + than / any other than all other এর পরের অংশ বসে।


Comp: Gold is more precious than any other metal.

Super: Gold is the most precious metal.

Comp: He is cleverer than all other boys in the class.

Super: He is the cleverest boy in the class.

Rule-2 Than many other/ than most other/ than few other যুক্ত comparative degree কে Superlative degree তে রূপান্তর করার নিয়ম :

(a) শুরুতে subject বসে।

(b) তারপর verb বসে।

(c) One of the বসে।

(d) Adjective/ Adverb টির comparative degree এর পরিবর্তে  Superlative degree  বসে।

(e) Than many other/ than most other/ than few other-এর  পরবর্তী অংশ বসে।

 Structure: Subject + verb + one of the + comparative degree-এর superlative form + than many other / than most other/ than few other – এর  পরবর্তী অংশ বসে।


Comp: He is more attentive than any other student.

Super: He is the most attentive student.

Comp: Shakespeare is more famous than most other dramatists.

Super: Shakespeare is one of the most famous dramatists.

Com: He is more intelligent than any other boy in the school.

Super: He is the most intelligent boy in the school.

Comp: He is wiser than all other men in the village.

Super: He is the wisest man in the village.

Com: Madras is bigger than most other Indian towns.

Super: Madras is one of the biggest Indian towns.

Comparative থেকে positive degree তে রূপান্তর :

Rule-1. Than most other/ than many other/ than few other যুক্ত comparative degree  কে positive degree তে রূপান্তরের নিয়ম :

(a) শুরুতে very few বসে।

(b) এরপর tha most other /than many other / than few other-এর পর থেকে sentence টির শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে।

(c) verb  বসে।

(d) so/ as  বসে।

(e) Adjective/ Adverb টির comparative degree-এর superlative form  বসে।

(f) as বসে।

(g) sentence টির  subject  বসে।

Structure: Very few + than most other/ than many other/ than few other  -এর পর থেকে sentence টির শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে।  + verb + so/ as + comparative degree-এর  superlative form + as  + subject.


Com: He is fatter than most other boys.

Positive: Very few boys are so fat as he.

Comp: Russia is one of the largest countries of the world.

Positive: Very few countries of the world are as large as Russia.

Rule-2: Than any other/ than all other যুক্ত comparative degree কে positive Degree তে রূপান্তরের নিয়ম:

 (a) শুরুতে No other বসে।

(b) Than any other / than all other এর পর থেকে sentence-এর শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে।

(c) verb বসে।

(d) so/as বসে।

(e) Adjective/ Adverb টির Comparative degree এর  positive form  বসে।

(f) As বসে।

(g) Sentence টির subject বসে।

Structure: No other + than any other/ than all other-পর থেকে sentence-এর শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে + verb + so/ as + adjective/ Adverb টির comparative degree- এর Superlative form + as + subject.

Example :

Comp: It is harder than any other work.

Positive: No other work is as hard as it.

Comp: He is thinner than all other boys.

Positive: No other boy is as thin as he.

Rule-3 দুই ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর মধ্যে তুলনা বোঝাতে than যুক্ত থাকলে comparlative degree-কে positive  degree তে রূপান্তরের নিয়ম :

(a) শুরুতে than-এর পরের অংশটি subject হিসাবে বসে।

(b) Verb বসে।

(c) প্রদত্ত sentence টি হাঁ-বোধক (Affirmative) হলে not বসে। আর sentenceটি না বোধক (Negative) হলে not বসে না।

(d) So/as বসে।

(e) Adjective/ Adverb টির comparative degree এর positive form  বসে।

(f) Sentence টির প্রথম subject টি বসে।

Structure: Than এর পরের অংশ + verb + affirmative হলে not, Negative হলে not উঠে যাবে + so/ as + comparative degree এর positive form + as + sentence টির প্রথম subject।


Comp: It is not better than that.

Positive: That is so good as It.

Comp: You are older than I.

Positive: I am not so old as you.


Rule 1: One of theযুক্ত Superlative degree কে Positive degree –তে রূপান্তরের নিয়ম :

(a) শুরুতে very few বসে।

(b) Superlative degree এর পর থেকে sentence-এর শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে।

(c)Verb বসে।

(d) so/as বসে।

(e) Adjective/ Adverb টির  Superlative degree-এর positive form  বসে।

(f) এরপর as বসে।

(g) Sentence টির subject বসে।

Structure: very few + Superlative degree এর পর থেকে sentence-এর শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে + Verb + so/as + Superlative degree-এর positive form +as + subject.


Super: English is one of the most common languages of the world.

Positive: Very few languages of the world are as common as English.

Super: He is one of the wisest men in our country.

Positive: Very few men in our country are so wise as he.

Rule-2: Superlative degree-এর পূর্বে শুধুমাত্র the যুক্ত থাকলে superlative degree কে positive  degree তে রূপান্তরের নিয়ম।

  • শুরুতে No other বসে।

  • Superlative degree এর পর থেকে sentence এর শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে।

  • এরপর verb বসে।

  • So/as বসে।

  • Adjective/ Adverb টির superlative degree-এর  positive form বসে।

  • As বসে।

  • Sentence টির Subject বসে।

Structure: No other + Superlative degree এর পর থেকে sentence এর শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে+ verb + So/as + degree-এর positive form + as + subject.


Super: He is the worst man in the the village.

Positive: No other man in the village is as worse as he.

Super: It was the cheapest item.

Positive: No other item was as cheap as it.


Rule 1. One of the যুক্ত Superlative degree কে  Comparative degree-তে রূপান্তরের নিয়ম:

  • শুরুতে Sentence টির subject বসে।

  • তারপর verb বসে।

  • এরপর adjective/ Adverb টির Superlative degree-এর  Comparative form বসে।

  • than most other/ than few other/ than many other বসে।

  • তারপর Superlative degree এর পরবর্তী অংশ বসে।

Structure: Subject + Verb + Superlative degree-এর positive form + than most other/ than few other/ than many other + Superlative degree এর পরবর্তী অংশ ।


Super: Japan is one of the richest countries of the world.

Comp: Japan is richer than most other countries of the world.

Super: He is one of the noblest men in the village.

Comp: He is nobler than most other men in the village.

Rule 2. Superlative degree এর পূর্বে শুধুমাত্র the যুক্ত থাকলে  Superlative degree কে Comparative degree তে রুপান্তরের নিয়ম:

(a) শুরুতে sentence টির subject বসে।

 (b) তারপর Verb বসে।

(c) এরপর Adjective/ Adverb এর Superlative degree- এর Comparative form বসে।

(d) than any other/ than all other.

(e) Superlative degree এর পরবর্তী অংশটুকু বসে।

Structure: Subject + verb + Superlative degree- এর comparative form + than any other / than all other + Superlative degree এর পরবর্তী অংশ  ।


Super: The Jamuna is the mightiest river of Bangladesh.

Comp: The Jamuna is mightier than any other river of Bangladesh.

Super: He is the strongest boy in the class.

Comp: He is stronger than all other boys in the class.

Super: Sher-e-Bangla was one of the greatest leaders of our country.

Com: Sher-e-Bangla was greater than most other leaders of our country.

Super: Jerry was the smallest boy in the orphanage.

Comp: Jerry was smaller than any other boy in the orphanage.

Super: He is one of the most popular actors.

Comp: He is more popular than most other actors.

Super: Mr. zubin is one of the wisest men in the village.

Com: Mr. Zubin is wiser than most other men in the village.

Super:  Mango is the tastiest fruit.

Comp:  Mango is tastier than all other fruits.

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