Learn Correct use of Preposition- Basic English Grammar

Learn Correct use of Preposition- Basic English Grammar

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Preposition কাকে বলে? Preposition কত প্রকার ও কি কি? Preposition এর ব্যবহার

Preposition কাকে বলে?

Preposition শব্দটির অর্থই হল পূর্বে অবস্থান। Pre অর্থ  পূর্ব এবং position অবস্থান। অর্থাৎ Noun বা Pronoun এর পূর্বে বসে বাক্যের অন্যান্য শব্দের সাথে Noun বা  Pronoun এর সম্পর্ক নির্ণয় করে Preposition.

যে word সাধারণত Noun বা Pronoun-এর পূর্বে বসে Sentence এর অন্যান্য word এর সাথে Noun বা Pronoun এর সম্পর্ক স্থাপন করে তাকে Preposition বলে।

(A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to express the relation of its own with another of the sentence.)


Dhaka stands on the Buriganga.

Put out the lamp.

He is angry with me.

Kinds of prepositions

1. Simple preposition

2. Double preposition

3. Compound preposition.

4. Phrase preposition

5. Detached preposition

6. Disguised preposition.

1. Simple preposition: একটি মাত্র word বিশিষ্ট preposition কে simple preposition বলে। যেমন –

At, by, from, for, of, off, after, on, out, through, to, up, with ইত্যাদি ।

2. Double preposition: দুটি simple preposition যুক্ত হয়ে একটি preposition-এর ন্যায় কাজ করলে তাকে Double preposition বলে। যেমন –

Up + on = Upon,

On + to = Onto,

Up + to = Upto,

With + in = Within,

In + to= Into.ইত্যাদি।

3. Compound preposition: Noun, Adjective বা Adverb- এর পূর্বে Simple Preposition যুক্ত হয়ে Preposition গঠন করলে তাকে Compound Preposition বলে। যেমন –

on+by+ out = about

on + long = along

by+ fore = before

on + cross = across

by + yond = beyond

সাধারণত: on এর পরিবর্তে a এবং by এর পরিবর্তে be বসে।

4. Phrase preposition : একাধিক বা দুই এর বেশি শব্দ একত্রে যখন Preposition এর ন্যায় কাজ করে তখন তাকে phrase preposition বলে। এ ধরনের preposition-এর আগে ও পরে একটি করে simple preposition থাকে। যেমন –

In care of,

in accordance with,

by means of,

by virtue of,

with a view to .ইত্যাদি।

5. Detached preposition: Prepositional objective-এর সাথে সম্পর্কহীন অবস্থায় কোন preposition ব্যবহৃত হলে তাকে Detached preposition বলে। Detached preposition সাধারণত Interrogative pronoun, Adverb (where, what) ও Relative pronoun-এর সাথে সম্পর্কযুক্ত হওয়া সত্ত্বেও এদের পূর্বে না বসে বিচ্ছিন্ন অবস্থায় পরে বসে। Example:

What are you looking for?

Where do you hail from?

What class do you read in?

6. Disguised preposition: on এর পরিবর্তে ‘a’ এবং of এর পরিবর্তে ‘o’ Preposition রূপে ব্যবহৃত হলে তাকে Disguised preposition বলে। যেমন-

It is seven O’clock. (o-of)

He went a hunting, (a-on)

এছাড়া আরও কয়েক ধরনের Preposition রয়েছে।


Participle preposition: Present participle (verb + ing) এবং  past participle (verb-এর past participle) যদি preposition-এর ন্যায় ব্যবহৃত হয় তবে তাকে Participle Preposition বলে। যেমন-

Considering, barring, concerning, pending, touching, respecting ইত্যাদি।


Considering this, I agreed to his proposal.

Regarding his activities, I know a little.

Special preposition: Than ও but Conjunction হলেও sentence-এ ব্যবহৃত  হয়ে অনেক সময়

Preposition এর ন্যায় কাজ করে। তখন এদেরকে Special preposition বলে।


None but Allah can help us.

I cannot accept less than fifty taka for this purpose.

(Several words may be used sometimes as Adverbs and sometimes as Preposition.)



March on. (Adverb)

Keep it on the table. (Preposition)


May I come in? (Adverb)

He is in the library. (Preposition)

Use of prepositions

1. On, in, to: সীমানার উপরে বোঝাতে on বসে। সীমানার ভেতরে বোঝাতে in বসে এবং সীমানার বাইরে বোঝাতে to বসে। Example:

Narayanganj is on the Shitalakkha.

West Bengal is to the west of Bangladesh.

Kurigram is in the north of the country.

2. In, at: ছোট স্থান বা সময়ের পূর্বে at, বড় স্থান বা সময়ের পূর্বে in বসে। Example:

He lives at Moghbazar in Dhaka.

He reached Dhaka at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

3. On, upon: সংলগ্ন অবস্থায় উপরে বোঝাতে on বসে। Example:

He climbed on the tree.

The book is on the table.

4. Above, over: শূন্য অবস্থায় উপরে বোঝাতে above বসে। উপরের দিকে আড়াআড়িভাবে বোঝাতে over Example:

The mangoes were above our head.

The plane flew over the Atlantics.

5. In, into, within, by: মধ্যে বোঝাতে in, বাইরে থেকে ভেতরে বোঝাতে into বসে। নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে বোঝাতে within এবং ভবিষ্যতে কোন নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে বোঝাতে by বসে। Example:

The pen is in the bag.

The teacher entered into the classroom.

He will have finished it within an hour.

Meet him by tomorrow.

6. Among, between: দুই ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর মধ্যে বোঝাতে Between বসে। দুই এর অধিক এর মধ্যে বোঝাতে among বসে। Example:

There is no relation between two brothers.

He divided the books among the students.

7. Since, for: নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের পূর্বে since এবং অনির্দিষ্ট দীর্ঘ সময়ের পূর্বে for বসে। Example:

He has been reading since evening.

He has been working for two hours.

8. Along, through: কোন কিছুর মধ্য দিয়ে বোঝাতে through এবং সামনের দিকে বোঝাতে along বসে। Example:

We went through a paddy field.

He went along the street.

9. Before, after: অতীতকালের সময় বোঝাতে after বসে এবং ভবিষ্যতকালের নির্দিষ্ট সময় বোঝাতে before বসে। Example:

He submitted the application after seven days.

I shall come back before sunset.

Words followed by Prepositions

নিম্নলিখিত Nounগুলোর পরে Preposition “for” বসে।

Affection, ambition, anxiety, apology, appetite, aptitude, blame, candidate, capacity, compel, sensation, contempt, craving, desire, esteem, fitness, fondness, leisure, liking, match, motive, need, opportunity, partiality, passion, pity, predilection, pretext, relish, remorse, reputation, surety.

নিম্নলিখিত Nounগুলোর পরে Preposition “with” বসে।

Acquaintance, alliance, bargain, comparison, conformity, enmity, intercourse, Intimacy, relations.

নিম্নলিখিত Noun গুলোর পরে Preposition “of” বসে।

Abhorrence, assurance, charge, disturb, doubt, experience, failure, observance, proof,  result, want.

নিম্নলিখিত Noun গুলোর পরে Preposition এর পরে “to” বসে।

Access, accession, allegiance, alternative, antidote, antipathy, approach, assent. attachment, attention, concession, disgrace, dislike, encouragement, enmity, exception, incentive, indifference, invitation, key, leniency, likeness, limit, menace, obedience, objection, obstruction, opposition, postscript, preface, reference, repugnance, resemblance, sequel, submission, succession, supplement, temptation, traitor.

নিচের Noun গুলোর পরে Preposition “from” বসে।

Abstinence, cessation, deliverance, descent, digression escape, exemption, inference, respite.

নিম্নলিখিত adjectives ও participle এর পরে Preposition “to বসে।

 Abhorrent, acceptable, accessible, accustomed, addicted, adequate, adjacent, affectionate, accustomed, addicted, adequate, adjacent, affectionate, agreeable, akin, Alien, alive, amenable, analogous, applicable, appropriate, beneficial, callous, common, comparable, condemned, conducive, conformable, congenial, consecrated, contrary, creditable, deaf, derogatory, detrimental, devoted, disastrous, due, entitled, equal, essential, exposed, faithful, fatal, foreign, hostile, impertinent, incidental, inclined, indebted, indifferent, indispensable, indulgent, inimical, insensible, injured, irrelevant, favorable, hurtful, immaterial, impervious, indigenous, liable, limited, lost, loyal, material, natural, necessary, obedient, obliged, offensive, opposite, painful, partial, peculiar, pertinent, pledged, preferable, prejudicial, prior, profitable, prone, reduced, related, relevant, repugnant, responsible, restricted, sacred, sensitive,  serviceable, subject, suitable, suited, supplementary, tantamount, true ইত্যাদি।

নিম্নলিখিত Adjective ও Participles এর পরে Preposition “in” বসে।

Absorbed, abstemious, accomplished, accurate, assiduous, backward, bigoted, correct, defective, deficient, experienced, diligent, enveloped, fertile, foiled, honest, implicated, interested, involved, lax, proficient, remiss, temperate, versed.

নিচের Adjective ও Participles এর পরে Preposition “with” বসে।

Acquainted, affected. beset, busy, compatible, complaint, consistent, contemporary contented, contrasted, conversant, convulsed, delighted, deluged, disgusted, drenche endowed, fatigued, fired, gifted, unfatuated, infected, Idested, inspired, intimated invested, overcome, popular, replete, satiated, satisfied, touched.

নিচের Adjective ও Participles এর পরে Preposition “of” বসে।

Accused assured, aware, bereft, bough, acquitted, afraid, apprehensive, Cautious, certain, characteristic, composed, confident, conscious, convicted, convinced covetous, deprived, desirous, destitute, devoid, diffident, distrustful, dull, easy, envious fearful, fond, greedy, guilty, heedless, ignorant, informed, innocent, irrespective, lame, apprised, lavish, negligent, productive, proud, regardless, sanguine, sensible, sick, slow, subversive, sure, suspicious, tolerant, vain, void, weary, dortly.

নিচের Adjective ও Participle গুলোর পরে ‘for’ বসে।

Anxious, celebrated, conspicuous, customary, designed, destined, eager, eligible, eminent, fit, good, grateful, notorious, penitent, prepared, proper, qualified, ready, sorry, sufficient, useful, zealous.

নিম্নলিখিত verb গুলোর পরে Preposition ‘to’ বসে।

Accede, adapt, adhere, allot, allude, apologize, appoint, aseribe, aspire, assent, attain, attend, attribute, belong, conduce, conform, consent, contribute, lead, listen, object, occur, prefer, pretend, reter, revert, stoop, succumb, surrender, testify, yield.

নিম্নলিখিত verb গুলোর পর Preposition ‘from’ বসে।

Abstain, alight, cease, debar, derive, derogate, desist, detract, deviate, differ, digress ressent, elicit, emerge, escape, exclude, preserve, prevent, prohibit, protect, recoll recover, refrain.

নিচের verb গুলোর পর preposition with ‘বসে’।

Associate, bear, clash, coincide, comply, condole, cope, correspond, credit, deluge disagree, dispense, expostulate, fill, grapple, intrigue, meddle, part, quarrel, remonstrate, side,

sympathize, trifle vie.

নিম্নলিখিত verb গুলোর পর Preposition of বসে।

Acquit, beware, boast, complain, despair, die, disapprove, dispose, divest, dream, heal, judge, repent, fast.

নিচের verb গুলোর পরে preposition for’ বসে।

Atone, canvass. care, clamoure, feel, hope, mourn, pine, start, stipulate, sue, wish, yearn.

নিচের verb গুলোর পরে preposition ‘in’ বসে।

Acquiesce, dabble, delight, employ, enlist, excel, fall, glory, increase, indulge, involve.  Persevere, persist.

নিম্নলিখিত verb গুলোর পরে preposition on’ বসে।

Comment, decide, deliberate, depend, determine, dwell, embark, encroach, impose, insist, intrude, resolve, subsist, trample.

Uses of Prepositions


1. He lives at Moghbazar in Dhaka.

2. Look at the window.

3. Never laugh at the poor.

4. I sleep at night.

5. He is good at English.

6. Open at page 20.

7. The police aimed at the thief.

8. You were standing at the door.

9. He was at door.

10. He will return at mid-night.


1. He is absorbed in studies.

2. I am experienced in this job.

3. He is involved in crime.

4. Zubin is honest in his duty.

5. Shammy is interested in drawing.

6. Rangpur is in the north of Bangladesh.

7. Don’t run in the sun.

8. He lives in the village.

9. He is not in the room now.

10. The teacher is in the class.


1. It is full of water.

2. He died of cholera.

3. Bonna is very fond of fishes.

4. There is a garden in front of my reading room.

5. He took a piece of paper.

6. A group of students met the headmaster.

7. He comes of an aristocratic family.

8. These furniture are made of woods.

9. I am aware of mistakes.

10. He is deprived of his rights.


1. He kept the book on the table.

2. I met him on the way to Dhaka.

3. I will go there on Friday.

4. Our village stands on the river.

5. We depend on each other.

6. He insists on my going to cinema.

7. We decided on this matter.

8. I went there on foot.

9. He sat on a chair.

10. Write the answer on this paper.


1. Smoking is harmful for health.

2. What is Dhaka famous for?

3. The baby cries for chocolate.

4. We will start for Dhaka immediately.

5. Please, wait for his answer.

6. You should take preparation for your exam.

7. He does not care for anybody.

8. We mourn for him.

9. He has been reading for three years.

10. I will pay you for this task.


1. Anwar is going to Rajbari.

2. It is a quarter to ten.

3. I agree to his proposal.

4. Please listen to me.

5. He is junior to me by two years.

6. I prefer milk to tea.

7. This pen belongs to me.

8. We were talking to our teacher.

9. We should yield to our parents order.

10. Industry is the key to success.


1. I am satisfied with him.

2. The river is filled with water.

3. I cannot part with this.

4. I disagreed with him.

5. Don’t quarrel with your classmates.

6. He killed the tiger with a gun.

7. I can associate with you on this matter.

8. He left the village with bag and baggage.

9. He lives with his brother.

10. Why are you angry with me?


1. He burst into tears.

2. The teacher entered into the classroom.

3. He fell into trouble.

4. I poured water into the pot.

5. He threw the paper into the fire.


1. Shammy comes from Narayanganj.

2. You should learn from your mistakes.

3. Glass is made from sand.

4. He is suffering from typhoid.

5. Comilla is far from Dhaka.


1. He attended the examination without any preparation.

2. We cannot do without money.

3. I can do this without any one’s help.

4. Can you think anything without this?

5. Try to come here without any delay.


1. He has a command over English language.

2. Birds fly over the trees.

3. The time has gone over.

4. He jumped over the wall.

5. The fan is moving over my head.


1. My father gets up early in the morning.

2. The man went up the hill.

3. The teacher asked the student to stand up.

4. My brother always wakes me up.

5. You should shut up.


1. Do you know anything about him?

2. His grandfather is about to die.

3. About ten thousand people were present in the meeting.

4. It is about 7 p.m.

5. The statue is about fifty feet high.


1. I always stand against him on this matter.

2. Our freedom fighters fought against the Pak army bravely.

3. Twenty candidates applied against the post.

4. He was riding his bi-cycle against the wind.

5. Save some money against the rainy day.


1. I will finish it within 4 p.m.

2. Write a paragraph within 100 words.

3. Spend within your income.

4. I shall go to Dhaka within a week.

5. It is within the area of Mr. Rashid.


1. People under eighteen are not allowed to vote.

2. The bridge is under construction.

3. Find your shoes under the table.

4. They sat under the tree.

5. His case is under consideration.

Above, below, behind

1. Religion is above everything.

2. Our country is lagging behind day by day.

3. Put your signature below the line.

4. He was waiting behind the tree.

5. The moon is now above my head.

6. Most of the people of Bangladesh live below the poverty line.

7. Find the real fact behind this.


1. Divide the pencils among them.

2. They quarreled among themselves.

3. Among these boys, he is the cleverest.

4. Between the two, this pen is better.

5. The king divided his kingdom among his daughters.

6. There is no difference between you and your brother.


1. You sat beside me.

2. Besides this I know nothing.


1. Go across the street.

2. There was a bridge across the river.

3. He went there across the canal.

4. He looked through the window.

5. The boy ran through the forest.

6. Many rivers flow through our country.


1. I take good preparation before I attend exam.

2. He will reach there before sunshine.

3. I stood before him.

4. My brother looks after me.

5. I will meet him after tomorrow.

6. He takes tea after breakfast.

7. He was absent since his illness.

8. They have been living here since 1970.

9. He was writing the book since Friday.


1. Go along the bank of the river.

2. Walk along the road.

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